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Thursday, September 24, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
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If your children need health coverage, they may be eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If they qualify, you won't have to buy a Marketplace plan to cover them. You can apply for and enroll in Medicaid or CHIP any time of year. There’s no limited enrollment period for either Medicaid or CHIP. If you qualify, your coverage can start immediately. CHIP Basics CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid. In some states, CHIP covers parents and pregnant women. Each state offers CHIP coverage, and works closely with its state Medicaid program. What CHIP covers CHIP benefits are different in each state. But all states provide comprehensive coverage, including: Routine check-ups Immunizations Doctor visits Prescriptions Dental and vision care Inpatient and outpatient hospital care Laboratory and X-ray services Emergency services States may provide more CHIP benefits. Check with your state for information about covered services. What CHIP costs Routine "well child" doctor and dental visits are free of charge under CHIP. But there may be copayments for other services. Some states charge a monthly premium for CHIP coverage. The costs are different in each state, but you won’t have to pay more than 5% of your family's income for the year. See if your children qualify for CHIP Each state program has its own rules about who qualifies for CHIP. There are 2 ways to see if your children qualify: Visit www.insurekidsnow.gov and select your state. Or call 1-877-543-7669. Fill out the Marketplace application. We'll tell you which programs you and your family qualify for. If it looks like anyone is eligible for CHIP, we'll let your state CHIP agency know so your coverage can start right away. More answers What if my children are eligible for CHIP, but I would rather buy a Marketplace plan? If my children can get CHIP but I don't qualify for Medicaid, how can I get insured?
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Takaful vs Life Insurance
What is the difference between Takaful and Life Insurance? Basically, Takaful is based on Shariah (Islamic Law) principles, and the general concept of a Takaful is :
A group of people (or in this case, policy owners) contribute a sum of money to a takaful fund in the form of participative contribution (tabarru’). These policy owners will undertake a contract (aqad) for them to become one of the participants by agreeing to mutually help each other, should any of the participants suffer any form of misfortune, either arising from death, permanent disability, loss, damage or any other such misfortunes as covered under the takaful you personally undertake. Here is a basic example of how Takaful works: Eg: Sharifah and Shafawati contribute RM 100 a month to a Takaful fund for ten years.During that period of time, should any one of them suffer from any misfortunes (or death), the benefit will be taken out from the fund that they contributed in, and not from their individual accounts. So how is this different from Life Insurance? We highlight the top insurance issues in Takaful and Life Insurance, and their differences: Issues Takaful Life Insurance ACCOUNTS For Life Takaful, there are two accounts namely, Personal Accident (PA), which is treated in line with the principles of al-Mudharabah; while the other account is Participants' Special Account (PSA), which is treated on the basis of al-Tabarru In life insurance policy, the collected premiums are credited into the account known as life insurance account or fund. BENEFITS Paid from the defined funds under joint indemnity borne by participants Paid from the funds legally owned by the company BONUS Takaful contract specifies from the outset how the profits from Takaful investments are to be shared between the operator and the participants. This shall be in accordance with the principle of al-Mudarabah, and the share could be in the ratio of: i.e 5: 5 or 6:4 or 7:3 etc. as agreed between the participant and the operator in the contract regardless of the amount of investment profit made during the year. May offer bonus or profits in general terms only especially with profit policies, that is, there is no exact specification with regard to the profit sharing in the contract. The rate of bonus itself can vary from year to year and is up to the discretion of the Board of Directors of the company. CLAIMS In a life Takaful policy, if the risk occurs, the beneficiary(s) shall have the right to claim the policy value from the PSA besides the accumulated entire amount from the PA. But if in this category of policy, the participant survives at the maturity of the policy, his/her claim shall be confined within the amount available in the PA. In a life insurance policy where the risk occurs, the beneficiary (s) shall have the right to claim whole amount named in the policy. But, if in case the risk does not occur, the insured shall have the right to claim the policy value at maturity together with the interest if any. So there you go, the basic guides to Life Insurance and its different components. We hope that you are more enlightened and ready to face insurance agents with these guides! Just drop by our forum for any comments, additional information, or if you spot any errors!
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Senior Life Insurance is a Worthwhile Investment
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Senior life insurance policies are useful because they can better serve the unique needs of seniors. Although you may not have any dependents, a senior life insurance policy can help you to begin formulating a plan that will protect your assets and finance your final expenses. Multiple types of affordable plans and options from which you can choose are available.
And it is easy to qualify for senior life insurance. There is no medical exam; all you have to do is answer some health questions. It is important to seek out a policy that will not be cancelled just because you have grown older. For example, your top priority should be purchasing an amount of senior life insurance that will provide adequate coverage for burial and funeral costs. According to the American Association of retired Persons (AARP), funerals and burials are among the most expensive purchases older Americans make. 1Funeral costs average over $65002 and Social Security provides only $225.3 Naturally, most people don’t want to put that kind of burden on their loved ones. Also, you must consider the likelihood of incurring medical bills or other outstanding debts that will need to be immediately addressed. This is important because even if you leave your family a large nest egg, they may have to wait a long time to receive any money from your estate. Meanwhile your loved ones could be responsible for paying your outstanding debts and other expenses. Probate is a process that freezes your assets and can take a long time, anywhere from 6-18 months.4 After probate, any further debts that are still outstanding will be either taken from your estate or inherited by your loved ones.5 As a result, they may have to borrow the money or take the necessary funds from their savings. In contrast, there are no restrictions on how your loved ones may use the proceeds from your senior life insurance policy. The money can be used for any expense, and your loved ones are usually given this tax free money within 2 weeks. Therefore, your final expenses will not rest on your family. Furthermore, if you have a spouse, consider that he or she will only receive a portion of your social security after your death. Since that may affect his or her standard of living, the option of purchasing a senior life insurance policy may offer protection against the stress of having to move in with a child. Or you may wish to leave a legacy gift by making your favorite charity the beneficiary of your senior life insurance policy. Seniors need to be informed about senior life insurance policies and the different options that can serve their needs. A senior life insurance policy is more than just a way to pay for a funeral. It is a ticket to peace of mind.
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Life Insurance Do I Need
If you die and your family gets the $500,000, what can they do with it? They might invest it using an income diversity strategy and maybe earn 5%. That amounts to just $25,000, of yearly investment income. So, if you earn $25,000 in salary, a $500,000 term policy is plenty. But if your family depends on more than $25,000 each year, you need more coverage. 3. How much do you save each month? If you put away money every month and live within your means, keep it up. In fact, you probably don’t need to replace all of your income, so you need less term life insurance. 4. What are your longer-term saving goals? How much money do you need to retire and pay for your immediate future? Are you saving enough to fund your future automobile purchase, retirement and education for the kids? If you have funds set up for nonrecurring but expected outlays, fine. Otherwise, you need more coverage. 5. How much income do your survivors need if you aren’t around? This is the only thing that really matters when it comes to determining how much life insurance you need. But to answer this you have to first add up your answers for the above questions. Let’s say you know you spend $6,000 each month to pay all your bills including taxes. You calculate this using a personal budgeting software program so you know you are on target. Let’s also assume that this $6,000 pays for everything including future college education, automobile purchases and retirement. Of the $6,000, you earn $3,500 and your husband earns $2,500. You run a financial plan and figure that by age 65, your maximum Social Security benefit and income from your investments will replace your earned income. That’s when you retire. (Without a financial plan it’s really tough to know how much insurance you need.) After you do this exercise, you know that you need to replace your income until you reach 65. That’s $3,500 per month for you and $2,500 for your husband. Your monthly income is equivalent to $42,000 a year. You need enough term insurance so that if you pass away, you could invest the proceeds and earn $42,000 after tax. How do you calculate that?
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How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Figuring out your life insurance needs sounds trickier than it actually is. The important thing is first determine whether you need life insurance, which kind is best for you and carefully calculate how much you need. All we have to do is be clear about what your situation is, what risk to mitigate and voila, you have your answer. First question: Do you need life insurance at all? If you have dependents to protect and don’t have enough savings, you definitely need insurance. Second question: Which kind of insurance should you get? If you want to protect your family against the destruction of your business or estate taxes after your death, whole life or universal life insurance has to be considered. But if your main concern is to protect your family against a loss of your income, term insurance is the way to go. Finally, how much insurance do you need? This question is also pretty straightforward. It takes a few steps, but it’s not rocket science. Let’s go through it: 1. How much debt do you have other than your mortgage? If you have any other debt, you are spending more than you earn. Do you add to your debt each month? Do you pay it down each month? If you have debt, you have to buy more life insurance to pay it off. 2. How much do you spend each month? The most accurate way to determine your monthly needs is to use a personal budget software package like YNAB, but you can also use your bank statements to estimate your spending.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
How to get a date in a day
Six things that women need to become the first modern girl and get a date in a day .
Not yet born girl also available attractiveness and charisma. The following conditions will help you become more attractive, interesting, beyond the beauty endowed.
1. Physique :
Men are like girls who have a soft body, refreshed with a moderate waist. A girl too skinny or too fat usually does not cause the attention.
2. Costumes :
Men are very respected woman whose dress fit physique and work, but could not break revealing subtle way.
3. Ability to communicate :
When chatting, the most important for the girls was the voice. Men exposed girls pitched voice or hollow usually lose sympathy. You should not say too much, other people's sentences and excessive nature.
4. Personality :
You should not confuse individuality and eccentricity. Men are like girls with personality, appeal in a special way. Personality to fit your personality.
5. Underground charm :
Many men believe that a beautiful woman is simply to "watch", while the more attractive they are underground charm of the girl.
6. World soul :
Appearance of beautiful girl can not always over time, and beautiful soul are always last forever. Men appreciate world woman soul.
Maybe you do not converge all these conditions, but can you still an attractive woman there. It is important that you keep yourself beauty and the beauty of life .
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