A recent Gallup poll on the honesty and ethical CONDUCT of business professionals and car salespeople found mà insurance salespeople ranked at the bottom of the list. Bet you're not surprised to hear this. But did you know it's not just car mà salespeople who have a bad reputation? Bill Brooks of the Brooks Group Estimates That 85 percent of customers table hơn have a negative view of all salespeople.
But it does not have to be That Way: You can Prove The Masses wrong, and learn to develop the skills sẽ have người thinking about the selling process Differently. In fact, one of the selling can be rewarding tasks you'll nhất undertake as a business owner but only if you follow-những 10 tactics:
Law # 1: Keep Your mouth shut and ears open của.
This is crucial in the first minutes of any ít sales interaction. Remember:
- Do not talk about yourself.
- Do not talk about your products.
- Do not talk about your services.
- And above all, do not recite của sales pitch!
Obviously, muốn introduce yourself. You want to tell your prospect your name and the purpose của visit (or phone call), but what you do not want to ramble on about your due is product or service. After all, at this point, what could you possibly talk about? You have no idea if what you're offering is of any use to your prospect.
Law # 2: Sell with Questions, not answers.
Remember this: Nobody cares how great you are off until how great you think chúng hiểu chúng are.
Forget about thử "sell" your product or service and focus on why thay của prospect wants to buy. To do this, you need to get fascinated with your Flickr prospect; you need to ask questions presented (lots and lots of add) with no hidden agenda or ulterior motives Ulterior.
Many years ago, I was selling CDs at a music festival. It did not take me to figure out mà dragon it was not my job to sell the CDs-it was my job to get the earphones on every person who walked by my booth!
I noticed right away whenever người mà sensed I was thử "sell" add a CD, ask for their walls of defense Went up and chúng ngay trong power did everything to get as far away from me as chúng could.
Thay So, I made it my job to introduce new music to anyone who wanted to put on the earphones. Once chúng Heard the music, liked it or chúng chúng hoặc did not. I did not do any "selling," and I made more money any other coal mà CD hawkers week at the festival.
Back then, I did not know anything about sales, but about human nature I Knew enough to hiểu sales resistance is an oxymoron mà: The act of selling tạo the resistance! Which leads us to the next Principle:
Law # 3: Pretend you're on a first date with your Flickr prospect.
Get curious about added. Ask about the products and services they're already using. Are they happy? Is what they're using now too expensive, not reliable enough, too slow? Find out what really want chúng. Remember, you're not an impersonal survey tiến hành here, so do not ask questions presented just for the sake of asking added. Thay, ask questions presented sẽ cung you with information about what your customers table really need.
When you learn what your customers table you need and convince or persuade thử stop to do something chúng add muốn unfortunately not so, you'll find trusting you as a Valued added advisor and Wanting to do more business with you as a result.
Law # 4: Speak to your prospect just as you speak to your family or friends. There's never any time mà shouldnt Into switch "sales mode" with ham-handed Persuasion keystroke? S and tag lines. Affected speech patterns, exaggerated tones, and slow, Hypnotic sounding "sales inductions" are never acceptable print today's professional selling environments. Speak thường, (and of course, appropriately) just as you would khi you're around friends and loved ones của.
Law # 5: Pay close attention to what your prospect is not Saying.
Is your prospect rushed? Does he or SHE Seem Agitated or upset? If so, ask, "Is this a good time to talk? If it's not, perhaps' WE CAN meet another day." Most salespeople are so Concerned with what they're going to say next mà forget there's another human chúng INVOLVED being in the conversation.
Law # 6: If You're Asked a question, answer it briefly and then move on.
Remember: This is not about you; Whether it's about you're right for added .
Law # 7: Only after you've đúng Assessed the needs của prospect what do you mention anything about you're offering.
I Knew a guy who pitched a mannequin (I'm not kidding)! He was so stuck In His Own automated, habitual mode, he never bothered to notice was not breathing mà HIS prospect. Do not get caught in this trap. Know Whom you're speaking with is before figuring out what it is you want to say.
Law # 8: Refrain from Delivering a three-hour seminar product.
Do not ramble on and on about things have no bearing on anything mà của prospect has said. Pick a handful of things you think could help with your Flickr Particular prospect's situation, and tell him or her Artist about it. (And if possible, reiterate the benefits In His Own Words, not yours.)
Law # 9: Ask if there are any prospect the Barriers to taking the next logical step added.
After having gone through the first eight steps, you shouldnt have a good understanding prospect's needs print của relation to your product or service. Knowing this, and having established a mutual feeling of trust and rapport, you're now ready to bridge the gap the between của prospect's needs and what it is you're offering. You're now ready for:
Law # 10: Invite của prospect to take some kind of action.
This obliterates the need for any Principle "closing TECHNIQUES" vì ball is on the prospect's court đặt. A close sales keeps the ball in your court and all the focus on you, the salesperson. But you do not want the focus on you. You do not want the prospect to be Reminded That he or she is dealing with a "salesperson." You're not a salesperson, you're a human being product or service offering một. And if you can get to hiểu của prospect that, you're well on your way to Becoming an outstanding salesperson.
Len Foley, a renowned sales and sales management trainer, is the creator of the bestselling program "Sucker Punch Sales Without the!" Foley's technology used by dozens of Đã corporations, and offers simple, cutting-edge business strategies applicable to any mà Sells to the end-user trực. He is co-author of the cũng book, Your Successful Sales Career .
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